
Veliko Tarnovo Municipality is with an estimated 93 004 residents as of the beginning of 2008, of which 77 675 people live in cities and 15329 in rural areas, men are 44 284 and women are 48 719.

The age structure of the population is the following:

  • from 0 to 17 years - 17.6%
  • from 18 to 64 years – 69.1%
  • over 64 years – 13.2 %

Average life expectancy is 71,9 years. 19,6 % of people are with university degrees. The municipality is with one of the most favourable age structures in the country (38 % ratio of age dependency). 81,9 % of people in the municipality live in the cities. The municipality has a population density of 102,1 people per square meter.

Active population

Labour force (economic active population) counts 43 964 people. 32,5 % of the active population in the district is concentrated on the territory of the municipality. The level of employment is 37,2 %. People working in the agricultural sector are 13,3 % of these in the region, and those working in the sectors of industry and services are respectively 38,1 and 42,3 %.


The level of unemployment is 4,35 %.


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